Dear all,
Patrick, the IT-Manager of the AIW virtual server told me last week that due to personal and health reasons he is not able to take care of the AIW virtual server anymore. I am presently looking for an alternative solution for the webpage and the AIW email accounts, which also are not working properly.
Unfortunately, due to a bug on the AIW virtual server, part of the AIW list server archives are publicly accessible at present. See: https://list.american-indian-workshop.org/archives/ https://list.american-indian-workshop.org/archives/. Moreover, the AIW email addresses are not working properly.
I have phoned Patrick today and he will take care of the problem as soon as he is back home. As I do not have the knowledge how to manage a virtual server I have to wait until he solves the problem. Sorry!
To avoid these problems in the future I have decided to discontinue the AIW virtual server and move the webpage and AIW email accounts to a webhosting service.
The question is what you prefer:
* Normal webhosting (then the webpage would just be moved as it is)? * Webhosting with a Content Management System (in this case I must create a completely new setup of the webpage)?
Please let me know what you would prefer. FYI: webpages with Content Management System are usually more expensive to rent than webhosting alone.
Dr. phil. Renate Bartl
Schopenhauerstr. 83
80807 Munich/Germany
Tel. +49-89-089-3599 531
Fax +49-89-35 65 32 77
Cell +49 151 4128 2632
Email: mailto:renate.bartl@t-online.de renate.bartl@t-online.de
http://www.american-indian-workshop.org/ www.american-indian-workshop.org