Howdy everyone,
Monday, 24th July at 6 PM works for me as well.
On Wed, Jul 19, 2023 at 12:58 PM AIW - Bartl < bartl@american-indian-workshop.org> wrote:
Dear all,
Monday 24th July at 6 PM is ok for me.
Best, Renate
Renate Bartl
*Von:* Savelkova Livia Livia.Savelkova@upce.cz *Gesendet:* Dienstag, 18. Juli 2023 22:42 *An:* Markus Lindner museum@american-indian-workshop.org *Cc:* AIW - Bartl bartl@american-indian-workshop.org; AIW Committee < committee@list.american-indian-workshop.org>; Carlo Krieger < carlo.krieger@gmail.com> *Betreff:* Re: [Committee] AIW Committee mailing list - update July 15, 2023
Dear all,
if we could meet on Monday 24th July at 6 PM or later it could be great. If it would be too complicated, we can try August.
Please, let us know.
Thank you!
Best regards,
*Od:* Markus Lindner museum@american-indian-workshop.org *Odesláno:* úterý 18. července 2023 8:53 *Komu:* Savelkova Livia Livia.Savelkova@upce.cz *Kopie:* AIW - Bartl bartl@american-indian-workshop.org; AIW Committee < committee@list.american-indian-workshop.org>; Carlo Krieger < carlo.krieger@gmail.com> *Předmět:* Re: [Committee] AIW Committee mailing list - update July 15, 2023
Hi Livia,
If July 24th fits for you, let us know what time and everybody who has time will be there. I think that is the best way to start. I am sure someone will always be missing, even if it is really a pity that György cannot be here on the 24th.
Am 18.07.2023 00:01 schrieb Savelkova Livia Livia.Savelkova@upce.cz:
Dear all,
thank you for your reactions. Thank you also for the emails that were aimed directly to me. It seems to be very problematic to find a time breakthrough so that everyone involved can get together during the holidays. I've been going through all the emails you've posted. The only possible term seems to be the 24th of July, but that wouldn't allow Gyorgy to join. I wanted to get in touch relatively early to possibly help Judit if needed. It seems we are not able to expedite this issue. My connection will be problematic in August, I'll be out of signal some days. I will definitely be unavailable the week of August 20-25 and also probably the first or second week of August, I will be on vacation. Now I am not able to say exactly yet. I will definitely be online the last week of August.
We can also use this connection to meet:
American Indian Workshop Committee Talks | Jitsi Meet https://meet.jit.si/AmericanIndianWorkshop_committee_talks
Jitsi Meet https://meet.jit.si/AmericanIndianWorkshop_committee_talks
Join a WebRTC video conference powered by the Jitsi Videobridge
It can be used whenever we want to meet and it is easy. We use it in other working academic groups.
As I wrote earlier, it is important we should talk.
The last week I have set up with my colleague Milan Durňak an email for AIW 2024 - aiw2024pardubice@gmail.com.
I wish you all the best,
*Od:* committee committee-bounces@list.american-indian-workshop.org za uživatele AIW - Bartl bartl@american-indian-workshop.org *Odesláno:* sobota 15. července 2023 12:36 *Komu:* AIW Committee committee@list.american-indian-workshop.org *Předmět:* [Committee] AIW Committee mailing list - update July 15, 2023
Dear AIW Committee members,
here is the updated Committee mailing list. James has left the Committee for the know reasons, Eszter Zsuzsanna Csorba has left the list, because her university contract has ended and she will leave the university changing to another field of employment that has nothing to do with Indigenous studies of North America.
The AIW Committee members list is:
- Renate Bartl: bartl@american-indian-workshop.org
- Thomas Donald Jacobs: thomasdonald.jacobs79@gmail.com
- Judit Kádár: drkadarjudit@gmail.com
- Markus Lindner: museum@american-indian-workshop.org
- Deborah Madsen: Deborah.Madsen@unige.ch
- Sonja Ross: journal@american-indian-workshop.org
- Livia Savelkova: Livia.Savelkova@upce.cz
- Éva Eszter Szabó: szabo.eva.eszter@btk.elte.hu
- Attila Takács: tattilatakacs@gmail.com
- George Toth: gyorgy.toth@stir.ac.uk
You can mail to the committee by sending an email to: *committee@list.american-indian-workshop.org committee@list.american-indian-workshop.org*.
Please do always put this email address into the “*TO*” field (not in the “CC” field) and do not add further email addresses in the “CC” field, because the list server gets problems then and might not process the email.
Your emails will be unmoderated, unless you use an email address that is not listed in the committee mailing list (see above).
American Indian Workshop
c/o Dr. Renate Bartl
Schopenhauerstr. 83
80807 Munich/Germany
Tel. +49-89-089-3599 531
Fax +49-89-35 65 32 77
Cell +49 151 4128 2632
Email: bartl@american-indian-workshop.org
*45th American Indian Workshop https://www.american-indian-workshop.org/index.html*
*April 16 – 19, 2024*
*Sport, Body and Movement and Current Research https://www.american-indian-workshop.org/index.html*
*Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, University of Pardubice,* *Pardubice/Czech Republic *
*46th American Indian Workshop https://www.american-indian-workshop.org/index.html*
*2025 [exact date, venue and title tba]*
*47th American Indian Workshop https://www.american-indian-workshop.org/index.html*
*2026 [exact date and title tba]*
*Department of English, Faculty of Humanities, University of Geneva, Genève/Switzerland*
American Indian Workshop
c/o Dr. Renate Bartl
Schopenhauerstr. 83
80807 Munich/Germany
Tel. +49-89-089-3599 531
Fax +49-89-35 65 32 77
Cell +49 151 4128 2632
Email: bartl@american-indian-workshop.org
*45th American Indian Workshop*
*April 16 – 19, 2024*
*Sport, Body and Movement and Current Research*
*Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, University of Pardubice,* *Pardubice/Czech Republic*
-- committee mailing list committee@list.american-indian-workshop.org https://list.american-indian-workshop.org/listinfo/committee