Dear all,


I have to inform you that the rental fee for our root server with Netcup will be put up from 6,99 EUR/month to 7,60 EUR/month. This new price will be charged beginning in 2023 (I have no exact date yet).


Additional to this we have to pay an annual rental fee for our web address, which will stay at 25 EUR/year.


By now we have enough money on our bank account to finance the server and webpage for the next 5 years.





American Indian Workshop (AIW)

c/o Dr. phil. Renate Bartl

Schopenhauerstr. 83

80807 Munich/Germany

Fon ++49 89 35 99 531

Fax ++49 89 35 65 32 77

Cell ++49 151 4128 2632