Dear all,
if we start a project like this, we also have to consider how to finance it. As far as I understand the costs for “OJS Hosting Basic” is 460 USD per year. By now we do not have the money to finance this.
What we have is a virtual server, where we can upload data and I can create an extra webpage for the journal. The problem is that we have already problems to finance this server and our bank services, which is ca. 155 EUR per year. Not all AIW organizers are able to refund us for the use of our server, so by now we are living of a major donation from Thomas financed by the AIW Ghent.
Whatever our plans are, we also need a concept for financing the project. As we are no formal organization, we cannot get funding from any institution.
Is there a possibility to publish the journal that is not that costly? Maybe as a PDF on our AIW virtual server?
Von: committee committee-bounces@list.american-indian-workshop.org Im Auftrag von James Mackay Gesendet: Sonntag, 24. Januar 2021 14:59 An: committee@list.american-indian-workshop.org Betreff: Re: [Committee] examine the options to create an AIW online journal
Dear all -
It looks as though this will be a fully open access journal which will publish peer reviewed work, correct? If so, it would be a good idea to look at using the OJS platform. We use it for Transmotion and it is very intuitive.
You will also want to include software on the platform for generating doi’s for each article.
If the journal is to be listed with DOAJ, Scopus, etc, it will be necessary to sign up with an archiving service – LOCKSS, CLOCKSS, or Portico are good.
In terms of roles, assuming nobody will be paid, you will need to have a few editors. I would suggest the following roles:
* Editor responsible for peer-reviewed articles * Editor responsible for draft / for comment pieces * Editor responsible for “as is” and multimedia (e.g. video presentations) * Book reviews editor (to source reviews primarily of books published in Europe and/or by European scholars?) * Three production editors – these will be responsible for copyediting and formatting. Potentially this can take a LOT of work, and the role requires someone dedicated and with some understanding of web design.
Some of these roles of course can be filled by postgraduates or early career scholars.
Dr James Mackay
Assistant Professor of British and American Literatures
European University Cyprus
[t] +357 22713257
[e] J.Mackay@euc.ac.cy mailto:J.Mackay@euc.ac.cy
[w] http://www.euc.ac.cy/ www.euc.ac.cy
“Sovereign Erotic”- 42 https://journals.kent.ac.uk/index.php/transmotion/conf nd American Indian Workshop 2021
Transmotion https://journals.kent.ac.uk/index.php/transmotion/issue/view/43
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From: committee <committee-bounces@list.american-indian-workshop.org mailto:committee-bounces@list.american-indian-workshop.org > On Behalf Of ross@rosske.de mailto:ross@rosske.de Sent: 24 January 2021 12:20 PM To: committee@list.american-indian-workshop.org mailto:committee@list.american-indian-workshop.org Subject: [Committee] examine the options to create an AIW online journal
Dear All,
the AIW platform has been existing for over 40 years and is a kind of an institution for the community of American studies. Having been a member of the AIW for almost three decades now (although most of the times a „silent“ member), I find it a pity that most of the valuable contributions have not been published or at least archived over the years. And I’m sure that this is not a stand alone opinion.
Therefore I’d like to make the suggestion to check the possibility of creating an AIW organized Online Journal.
Please find attached some more details and feel free to enter comments within the „notice area“ by leaving your name.
I’d appreciate your remarks until February, 7th.
Best regards,
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