thank you for all your hard work for AIW.

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On 21 Jan 2021, at 09:56, AIW - Bartl <> wrote:

Dear Committee members,


I have added Sonja Ross to our Committee mailing list:, as she volunteered for our journal project and she will discuss this with us within the committee.


On the other side I had to remove Sylvia Wackernagel from our committee list, as she is not answering my emails and email requests by members since 2 years. She is not taking part in AIW Meetings and Committee meetings either. Her AIW email is not working since quite a while and people were starting to send complaints to me for receiving no answer. As I have a lot of emails to handle each day concerning the AIW, I cannot manage these complaints additionally. Therefore I decided to remove Sylvia from the Committee and the webpage. I hope this is ok for you.


The current committee members are:

  • Renate Bartl
  • Markus Lindner
  • Thomas Donald Jacobs
  • Sonja Ross
  • Henry Kammler
  • Friederike Nusko
  • Saskia Brill
  • James Mackay
  • Carlo Krieger
  • Tania Giberyen


Best regards



committee mailing list