Dear Renate,


thanks for the information. It is pity that we have to change the servers.


Regarding the website, I would leave it up to you if we  - you – want to build up a new website. Technically, it would probably good to be up to date, but I know that this would also be a lot of work. The costs should not be the main issue for us, I hope.


For the mailing list, I wonder if we could use the mailing list system from our university, which would be free, but we would have to check if that would work for us. It is a system to which everybody who is on the list send emails, and the administrator has just to release them – without editing. It would also mean that list members would have to register to this new list as we could not simply transfer the addresses.


Maybe, we should discuss the topic.


All the best,




Dr. Markus Lindner

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Institut für Ethnologie

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt | Campus Westend

IG-Farben-Haus | Raum IG 553 | Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1

60323 Frankfurt am Main | Germany

Telefon +49 (69) 798 33068 | Fax +49 (69) 798 33065


Institut für Ethnologie


Neueste Publikationen:

2024 „Wechselnde Beziehungen. Museen und ‚indianisches' Wissen im Laufe der Zeit.“ In: Brenne, Andreas, Florian Schleburg & Laura Thüring (Hg.): Wer hat Angst vor Winnetou? Karl May im Spannungsfeld postkolonialer Diskurse. München: Kopaed, 239-251.

2023 „‚Indianer‘? Anmerkungen zu einer komplexen terminologischen Situation“. Magazin des Karl-May-Museums 04/05:  96-104.


Virtuelle Ausstellung: Die Wanderer. Katsinam. Tithu und Aby Warburg (2021)":



Let Them Speak! Kommentare aus British Columbia, Kanada/Comments from British Columbia, Canada (2020) (deutsch) (english)


Von: Reni Bartl <>
Gesendet: Freitag, 5. Juli 2024 11:20
An: AIW Committee <>
Betreff: [Committee] AIW Virtual Server


Dear all,


Patrick, the IT-Manager of the AIW virtual server told me last week that due to personal and health reasons he is not able to take care of the AIW virtual server anymore. I am presently looking for an alternative solution for the webpage and the AIW email accounts, which also are not working properly.


Unfortunately, due to a bug on the AIW virtual server, part of the AIW list server archives are publicly accessible at present. See: Moreover, the AIW email addresses are not working properly.


I have phoned Patrick today and he will take care of the problem as soon as he is back home. As I do not have the knowledge how to manage a virtual server I have to wait until he solves the problem. Sorry!


To avoid these problems in the future I have decided to discontinue the AIW virtual server and move the webpage and AIW email accounts to a webhosting service.


The question is what you prefer:

-          Normal webhosting (then the webpage would just be moved as it is)?

-          Webhosting with a Content Management System (in this case I must create a completely new setup of the webpage)?


Please let me know what you would prefer. FYI: webpages with Content Management System are usually more expensive to rent than webhosting alone.





Dr. phil. Renate Bartl

Schopenhauerstr. 83

80807 Munich/Germany

Tel. +49-89-089-3599 531

Fax +49-89-35 65 32 77

Cell +49 151 4128 2632
