WG: [AIW] News and greetings from the AIW committee

Von: Margaret Ann Noodin noodin@uwm.edu Gesendet: Freitag, 7. August 2020 18:07 An: members@list.american-indian-workshop.org Betreff: RE: [AIW] News and greetings from the AIW committee
Thank you very much for this update! It will be good to find ways to connect from afar. To that end, I will share with this list that my second book of poems in Anishinaabemowin is out and I would be happy to visit via a zoom call if you or your class might need evidence that indigenous languages are being used creatively as we all move forward into the uncertain future!
You can find the book here: https://www.wsupress.wayne.edu/books/detail/what-chickadee-knows The title poem can be found here: https://www.wsupress.wayne.edu/books/detail/what-chickadee-knows
Bizaan / Peace!
Margaret Noodin
Director, Electa Quinney Institute for American Indian Education https://uwm.edu/eqi/ https://uwm.edu/eqi/
Professor of English and American Indian Studies https://uwm.edu/english/our-people/noodin-margaret/ https://uwm.edu/english/our-people/noodin-margaret/
Center for Water Policy Scholar https://uwm.edu/centerforwaterpolicy/current-policy-scholars/ https://uwm.edu/centerforwaterpolicy/current-policy-scholars/
Gidebweyendaamin debwemigag gakina bimaadizijig gizhinindaagoziyang dibishkookadiyang.
We hold these truths to be self evident that all those alive are created equal.
From: members <members-bounces@list.american-indian-workshop.org mailto:members-bounces@list.american-indian-workshop.org > On Behalf Of Markus Lindner via members Sent: Friday, August 7, 2020 10:48 AM To: members@list.american-indian-workshop.org mailto:members@list.american-indian-workshop.org Subject: [AIW] News and greetings from the AIW committee
Dear friends and colleagues,
We hope that you are all doing well despite the pandemic. You may have wondered why you have not heard any news about the postponed 41st American Indian Workshop that was supposed to take place in Munich this year — or the Workshop that was planned for next year in Cyprus.
Since the current health situation does not seem to change in the foreseeable future, the committee met yesterday in a video conference to talk about the possibilities of how we can conduct the AIW despite the pandemic.
Since workshops probably cannot be held in the usual presence, we decided with heavy hearts to find alternative possibilities, such as a virtual workshop. It is important to us that the AIW remains alive despite the pandemic, even if this is associated with limitations. The organizers, Henry Kammler (Munich) and James Mackay (Nicosia), will now work out concepts, so that we can give you more detailed information by beginning of September.
We are looking forward to seeing you again and will keep you up to date. Stay healthy!
Best wishes,
Renate Bartl, Markus Lindner, Thomas Donald Jacobs, Elzbieta Wilczyñska, Zuzanna Buchowska, Henry Kammler, Saskia Brill, Friedrike Nusko, James Mackay, Tania Giberyen, and Carlo Krieger
Dr. Markus Lindner Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Institut für Ethnologie
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt | Campus Westend IG-Farben-Haus | Raum IG 553 | Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1 60323 Frankfurt am Main | Germany Telefon +49 (69) 798 33068 | Fax +49 (69) 798 33065 E-Mail: m.lindner@em.uni-frankfurt.de mailto:m.lindner@em.uni-frankfurt.de
http://www.ethnologie.uni-frankfurt.de https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ethnologie.uni-frankfurt.de%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cnoodin%40uwm.edu%7Cc5584ceb5a7c4f369c4808d83aea57f8%7C0bca7ac3fcb64efd89eb6de97603cf21%7C0%7C0%7C637324125472616305&sdata=y3xQ69efmetCavTttubPk9fCV6mH5H6Waga2%2FT1XKJI%3D&reserved=0 http://www.starkerstart.uni-frankfurt.de/ https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.starkerstart.uni-frankfurt.de%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cnoodin%40uwm.edu%7Cc5584ceb5a7c4f369c4808d83aea57f8%7C0bca7ac3fcb64efd89eb6de97603cf21%7C0%7C0%7C637324125472616305&sdata=9tX2%2FJIJo815prjbG7hyx9w8bE9wbK3UYn3U4AVR9%2Fg%3D&reserved=0

Dear AIW committee members,
as you know on Thursday we will hold our business meeting at the virtual AIW.
We plan with the following "standard" agenda items: - presentation of the plans for the next year’s AIW (James) - update on the 2022 AIW (Tania and Carlo, OK?) - Renate’s brief report on server, website and mailing lists - possible candidates for 2023/24 - general announcements of interest to the AIW community
Would you like to suggest additional items for the agenda? Just let us know.
Lest we forget: We should also hold a committee meeting sometime soon. So expect a doodle request shortly after this year’s AIW.
Cheers, and looking forward to seeing you very soon. Henry

Hi Henri, I have Thursday 4PM CET scheduled in my agenda. Looking forward seeing you all. Cheers, Tania
On 2020-11-24, 12:38 AM, "committee on behalf of Kammler, Henry (LMU)" <committee-bounces@list.american-indian-workshop.org on behalf of henry.kammler@lmu.de> wrote:
Dear AIW committee members,
as you know on Thursday we will hold our business meeting at the virtual AIW.
We plan with the following "standard" agenda items: - presentation of the plans for the next year’s AIW (James) - update on the 2022 AIW (Tania and Carlo, OK?) - Renate’s brief report on server, website and mailing lists - possible candidates for 2023/24 - general announcements of interest to the AIW community
Would you like to suggest additional items for the agenda? Just let us know.
Lest we forget: We should also hold a committee meeting sometime soon. So expect a doodle request shortly after this year’s AIW.
Cheers, and looking forward to seeing you very soon. Henry
-- committee mailing list committee@list.american-indian-workshop.org https://list.american-indian-workshop.org/listinfo/committee

Hi Henry,
Thank you for the update and see you all soon 😊
Best wishes, Zuzanna
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Od: Tania Giberyenmailto:tania.giberyen@education.lu Wysłano: wtorek, 24 listopada 2020 10:27 Do: henry.kammler@lmu.demailto:henry.kammler@lmu.de; committee@list.american-indian-workshop.orgmailto:committee@list.american-indian-workshop.org Temat: Re: [Committee] Agenda items for business meeting on Thursday
Hi Henri, I have Thursday 4PM CET scheduled in my agenda. Looking forward seeing you all. Cheers, Tania
On 2020-11-24, 12:38 AM, "committee on behalf of Kammler, Henry (LMU)" <committee-bounces@list.american-indian-workshop.org on behalf of henry.kammler@lmu.de> wrote:
Dear AIW committee members,
as you know on Thursday we will hold our business meeting at the virtual AIW.
We plan with the following "standard" agenda items: - presentation of the plans for the next year’s AIW (James) - update on the 2022 AIW (Tania and Carlo, OK?) - Renate’s brief report on server, website and mailing lists - possible candidates for 2023/24 - general announcements of interest to the AIW community
Would you like to suggest additional items for the agenda? Just let us know.
Lest we forget: We should also hold a committee meeting sometime soon. So expect a doodle request shortly after this year’s AIW.
Cheers, and looking forward to seeing you very soon. Henry
-- committee mailing list committee@list.american-indian-workshop.org https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Flist.ameri...
-- committee mailing list committee@list.american-indian-workshop.org https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Flist.ameri...
participants (4)
AIW - Bartl
Kammler, Henry (LMU)
Tania Giberyen
Zuzanna Kruk-Buchowska