24 Sep
24 Sep
11:13 a.m.
On 24 Sep 2020, at 10:15, Stephan Seitz wrote:
On Mi, Sep 23, 2020 at 14:34:05 +0200, Damian wrote:
You could just open an issue on github.
Yes, but I don’t have a github account, and I won’t create one only for a bug report/feature request (one of the reasons I like Debian: bugs can be reported by mail).
There are no mail addresses in the files either. So I’m trying this list, maybe they are reading it.
Not sure, but it’s literally a one line change (two if you count the README.md). As I have a GitHub account I’ve created pull request and until they merge that you can get the code that throws no warning from my fork ( https://github.com/fl1ger/check_dane ).
So long -Ralf ——- Ralf Weber