Hello John,
John wrote:
On 2/17/2015 3:47 AM, Carsten Strotmann (sys4) wrote:
Hello John,
John Allen wrote:
Where might I find the Thunderbird integration stuff.
I'm about to ask the Verisign people if they have published the code as they announced in the email. I myself had not had the time to hunt the Thunderbird integration down and test it, but it is on my todo list.
The SMIMEA and OPENPGPKEY documents are still in "draft", I'll expect the Thunderbird integration "experimental" and not for "production use" (but early adopter testing is welcome).
using the "ask an expert" excuse, a couple of ?
I was thinking of using the enigmail add-on for Thunderbird, but it needs GnuPGP, and the windows version seems to somewhat outdated (win32 only).
I'll use enigmail for Thunderbird (on MacOS X and on Linux), it works well for me. However it currently does not support the DANE drafts, just "old-style" PGP web-of-trust.
I know some people using GPG on Windows via GPG4WIN -> http://gpg4win.org/
Do happen to know if there is a Thunderbird/openPGP add-on? There did not seem to be when I looked.
No, but there is a milter for Postfix and Sendmail that can auto-encrypt all mail that has a PGP/GPG key published in DNS --> https://github.com/letoams/openpgpkey-milter
It requires a local mail-server, either in the local network or the "old Unix style" way on every machine.
I am not sure what I am asking for here, but I run a webdav server for my family. Do you know if there is a mechanism that would allow a webdav user to encrypt their storage. What I am looking for is some public key way of storing the data, that would allow them to publish the encryption key ...
Not my area of expertise, sorry.
Best regards