currently I am working on a project enabling interleaved renew of certificates, updating TLSA and DKIM records and reload of services:
main project - https://github.com/TheTesla/cryptdomainmgr pypi package - https://github.com/TheTesla/cryptdomainmgrpypi on pypi - https://pypi.org/project/cryptdomainmgr/ test vm - https://github.com/TheTesla/cdm-test-vm
There are dependencies:
interface to dns - https://github.com/TheTesla/dnsuptools pypi package - https://github.com/TheTesla/dnsuptoolspypi on pypi - https://pypi.org/project/dnsuptools/ dehydrated - https://github.com/lukas2511/dehydrated -> included in cryptdomainmgr logging (package) - https://github.com/TheTesla/simpleloggerplus on pypi - https://pypi.org/project/simpleloggerplus/
I also created a demo application using it:
mailserver w. crm - https://github.com/TheTesla/ansible-tine (sorry, exchange autodiscover is not implemented yet)
Feel free to clone, fork, test, use, watch, star and contribute on github
Best regards
Stefan Helmert