Great, thanks!
-----Original Message----- From: Knubben, Bart bart.knubben@forumstandaardisatie.nl Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2023 11:20 AM To: Mike Hillyer mike@mikehillyer.com Cc: dane-users@list.sys4.de Subject: RE: DANE monitoring building block: "danesmtp" shell function
You can also find a (non-exhaustive) list on https://github.com/baknu/DANE-for-SMTP/wiki/3.-Software-and-service-support
-- Regards,
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: Mike Hillyer mike@mikehillyer.com Verzonden: woensdag 30 augustus 2023 17:09 Aan: dane-users@list.sys4.de Onderwerp: RE: DANE monitoring building block: "danesmtp" shell function
Thank you, we're getting DANE on the roadmap for our MTA and this is very helpful.
-----Original Message----- From: Viktor Dukhovni ietf-dane@dukhovni.org Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2023 11:07 AM To: dane-users@list.sys4.de Subject: Re: DANE monitoring building block: "danesmtp" shell function
On Wed, Aug 30, 2023 at 02:28:43PM +0000, Mike Hillyer wrote:
Hi Viktor, do you have a list of which mailbox providers are actively supporting DANE at the moment?
Yes, I have a partial list. It isn't always obvious from the survey data which operators are "mailbox providers". The said, below is what I (roughly ordered by time of adoption):
- dukhovni.org (I host my own mail for just under 10 users. :-) - posteo.de - mailbox.org - comcast.net - gmx.de - web.de - tutanota.de - protonmail.ch - ...
I am surely forgetting to mention some that should be mentioned, please let me know which additional mailbox providers I should have listed. You can always check the status of a given domain (by domain, not MX host) at:
Also, the below "top 20" host many DANE-enabled domains, but may or may not offer consumer mailboxes hosted on one of their domains:
1,328,840 one.com 300,932 hostpoint.ch 205,749 infomaniak.ch 171,658 transip.nl 168,485 mijndomein.nl 150,828 jouwweb.nl 144,209 argewebhosting.nl 132,395 simply.com 111,032 hostnet.nl 109,693 domeneshop.no 105,917 loopia.se 91,311 webhostingserver.nl 83,081 forpsi.com 76,639 zxcs.nl 43,300 protonmail.ch 40,487 antagonist.nl 39,763 active24.com 37,580 webreus.nl 30,428 pcextreme.nl 28,690 xel.nl
For more hoster data, see:
-- Viktor.
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