oops!! I swapped the ZSK and KSK in the table.
On January 26, 2015 9:09:40 PM John john@klam.ca wrote:
my experimental zone (the family site) klam.ca has a KSK and a ZSK. There appear to be time differences between the records reported by DIG and the source records on file. In the case of the ZSK the inactive date-time is a few hours different, but in the ZSKs case it is 3 months.
Is this a problem, and if so what do I do about it.
The following dates were found in the source record and the output from dig.
source record dig KSK -A 20150126163534 20150117012252 KSK -I 20150225173534 20150225144654
ZSK -A 20150126163534 20150126173534 ZSK -I 20150527015028 20150225173534
-- John Allen KLaM
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