On 29 Dec 2016, at 20:47, Viktor Dukhovni ietf-dane@dukhovni.org wrote:
On Dec 29, 2016, at 2:31 PM, Michael Grimm trashcan@ellael.org wrote:
First of all I do have to admit that I am lacking knowledge when it comes to certificates, in general. Sofar, I got along with selfsigned certificates that I did generate with the help of all those numerous howtos one can find. It worked.
See also: http://postfix.1071664.n5.nabble.com/WoSign-StartCom-CA-in-the-news-td86436....
Thanks for that link.
If I do remember correctly, and if I do understand your conclusions in other mails correctly, long lasting selfsigned certificates plus periodically rotated TLSAs are still a good basis to run a secured mailserver at port 25. (FYI: I am using opendnssec for rotating every 3 month.)
Yes, you're mostly better off self-signed on port 25.
Ok. Then I will stick to that for the time being.
After having read this best practice document, I am still hesitant to deploy a LE certificate to my mailserver's domain, because I do not understand all the implications, yet.
LE means automatic rotation of the cert (by default with a new key) approximately every 90 days. That can mean that you also need to implement unattended rotation of your TLSA records, but I think it is simpler to use a stable key-pair, which is rotated less frequently, and interactively. Using a "3 1 1" + "2 1 1" combination simplifies the rotation procedure.
Ok. But that will come to human intervention. And that is something I do want to avoid. Although I am only hosting a handful users, my services sometimes do need to run unattended for some weeks (being abroad job-related, vacations, and such). Thus, I have been looking for a solution that works automatically like opendnssec. But that is not available for the combination of DANE and LE certificates.
Thus I would like to raise some newbie questions regarding the following project:
domain: example.org mailserver: mx.example.org with TLSA 3 1 1 IMAP server: mail.example.org webserver: www.example.org
#) Would it be possible to get *two* distinct LE certificates, one for the IMAP and one for the webserver ..
Certainly if you use different hostnames "mx.example.com", ... "www.example.com" as above.
#) .. and simultaneously *keep* my selfsigned certificate for the the mailserver ..
Of course.
#) .. and forget about the issues mentioned above?
Yes. Though you may need an LE certificate for the submission service, depending on which clients are doing that. (Mobile phones tend to be difficult to configure for pinned non-CA trust).
Ouch! Thanks, but I completely overlooked that issue.
Well, I do have to dig into postfix' documentation more thoroughly than I during the last minutes. All my users and myself are using Apple's Mail.app (bench and mobile), and myself roundcube once in a while. Those clients work well in this regard, until today.
That said, and still tending to avoid LE on port 25, I will look for a solution that allows me to use a LE certificate for submission and a selfsigned certificate for port 25 services. As I am running FreeBSD and every service (group) runs in it's distinct jail, the following possible solutions come into my mind (untested):
#) two instances of postfix on different domain names, one for 25 and one for 587 #) looking for a functionality in postfix that allows for different certificates for 25 and 587
#) Or should I strictly separate my mailserver from the rest by means of distinct domains, instead?
Hostnames under a common domain should be fine.
Perfect. Thanks for your valuable feedback. I will go for distinct LE certificates for hostnames (mail, www) and stick with selfsigned certificates for port 25. And then I will look for a solution of separating 25 and 587 services. But that is presumably rather OT for this ML.
Thanks and with kind regards, Michael