On 24.07.2014 15:55, Peter Heitzer wrote:
Was käme dafür am ehesten in Frage?
postfwd in postfix mit "check_policy_service inet:" an den passenden Stellen rein. Am besten in smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions.
Meine config:
&&SASL_WHITELIST { sasl_username=devnull; };
# skip lower rate limiting for certain users id=SaslWhitelist; protocol_state==END-OF-MESSAGE; &&SASL_WHITELIST; action=rcpt(sasl_username/300/21600/REJECT You can only send to 300 recipients per 6h per user)
# skip lower rate limiting for certain users id=SaslWhitelist2; protocol_state==END-OF-MESSAGE; &&SASL_WHITELIST; action=dunno;
# sasl_username != doesn't work for whatever reason id=RcptRate; protocol_state==END-OF-MESSAGE; sasl_username!~/^$/; action=rcpt(sasl_username/100/21600/REJECT You can only send to 100 recipients per 6h per user)
# this causes postfwd to log something for every mail id=logging; protocol_state==END-OF-MESSAGE; action=dunno;