Ich bin jetzt zumindest schon soweit, als dass Emails ohne zu blockenden Inhalt von Mailserver zu Mailserver als auch von Mailclient zu Mailserver über submission port funktioniert.

Wenn ich jedoch eine .exe als anhang (die ja geblockt werden soll) mitsende, bekomme ich folgende Fehler:

Nov  8 14:41:56 mail postfix/postscreen[25174]: CONNECT from []:59424 to []:25
Nov  8 14:41:56 mail postfix/postscreen[25174]: PASS OLD []:59424
Nov  8 14:41:56 mail postfix/smtpd[25175]: connect from mail1.glasgasperlmair.at[]
Nov  8 14:41:56 mail postfix/smtpd[25175]: DBBBD20905: client=mail1.glasgasperlmair.at[]
Nov  8 14:41:56 mail postfix/cleanup[25184]: DBBBD20905: resent-message-id=<vE9sbtNRmYU4-5OzFNq0QNDPk@mail1.glasgasperlmair.at>
Nov  8 14:41:56 mail postfix/cleanup[25184]: DBBBD20905: message-id=<5821D4CA.8060901@glas-gasperlmair.at>
Nov  8 14:41:57 mail clamd[22976]: SelfCheck: Database status OK.
Nov  8 14:41:57 mail amavis[25021]: (25021-02) (!)connect to failed, attempt #1: Can't connect to socket using module IO::Socket::IP: Connection refused
Nov  8 14:41:57 mail amavis[25021]: (25021-02) (!)ffE52fkp0R-K(vc0sb19QctBl) SEND from <> -> <a.wass@glas-gasperlmair.at>,  451 4.5.0 From MTA() during fwd-connect (All attempts (1) failed connecting to smtp: id=25021-02
Nov  8 14:41:57 mail amavis[25021]: (25021-02) (!!)TROUBLE in check_mail: delivery-notification FAILED: temporarily unable to send DSN to <a.wass@glas-gasperlmair.at>: 451 4.5.0 From MTA() during fwd-connect (All attempts (1) failed connecting to smtp: id=25021-02 at /usr/sbin/amavisd line 15146.
Nov  8 14:41:57 mail postfix/cleanup[25184]: DBBBD20905: milter-reject: END-OF-MESSAGE from mail1.glasgasperlmair.at[]: 4.5.0 Error in processing, id=25021-02, delivery-notification FAILED: temporarily unable to send DSN to <a.wass@glas-gasperlmair.at>: 451 4.5.0 From MTA() during fwd-connect (All attempts (1) failed connecting to smtp: id=25021-02 at /usr/sbin/amavisd line 15146.; from=<a.wass@glas-gasperlmair.at> to=<andi@wassa.at> proto=ESMTP helo=<mail1.glasgasperlmair.at>
Nov  8 14:41:57 mail postfix/smtpd[25175]: disconnect from mail1.glasgasperlmair.at[]

Anbei nochmal meine aktuelle Konfiguration:


smtp      inet  n       -       n       -       1       postscreen
smtpd     pass  -       -       n       -       -       smtpd
  -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=no
# Django : 2014-11-29 amavisd-milter eingebunden
  -o smtpd_milters=${amavisd_milter}
dnsblog   unix  -       -       n       -       0       dnsblog
tlsproxy  unix  -       -       n       -       0       tlsproxy
submission inet n       -       n       -       -       smtpd
  -o syslog_name=postfix/submission
  -o smtpd_tls_security_level=encrypt
  -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
  -o smtpd_reject_unlisted_recipient=no
#  -o smtpd_client_restrictions=$mua_client_restrictions
#  -o smtpd_helo_restrictions=$mua_helo_restrictions
#  -o smtpd_sender_restrictions=$mua_sender_restrictions
  -o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=
  -o smtpd_relay_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject
  -o milter_macro_daemon_name=ORIGINATING
#  -o content_filter=smtp:
#  -o smtpd_milters=${amavisd_milter}
#  -o mydestination=lists.nausch.org,fax.nausch.org

amavisd_milter = inet:

use strict;

# a minimalistic configuration file for amavisd-new with all necessary settings
#   see amavisd.conf-default for a list of all variables with their defaults;
#   for more details see documentation in INSTALL, README_FILES/*
#   and at http://www.ijs.si/software/amavisd/amavisd-new-docs.html


# @bypass_virus_checks_maps = (1);  # controls running of anti-virus code
# @bypass_spam_checks_maps  = (1);  # controls running of anti-spam code
# $bypass_decode_parts = 1;         # controls running of decoders&dearchivers

$max_servers = 2;            # num of pre-forked children (2..30 is common), -m
$daemon_user  = 'amavis';    # (no default;  customary: vscan or amavis), -u
$daemon_group = 'amavis';    # (no default;  customary: vscan or amavis), -g

$mydomain = 'mail.wassa.at';   # a convenient default for other settings

$MYHOME = '/var/spool/amavisd';   # a convenient default for other settings, -H
$TEMPBASE = "$MYHOME/tmp";   # working directory, needs to exist, -T
$ENV{TMPDIR} = $TEMPBASE;    # environment variable TMPDIR, used by SA, etc.
$QUARANTINEDIR = "/var/virusmails";      # -Q
# $quarantine_subdir_levels = 1;  # add level of subdirs to disperse quarantine
# $release_format = 'resend';     # 'attach', 'plain', 'resend'
# $report_format  = 'arf';        # 'attach', 'plain', 'resend', 'arf'

# $daemon_chroot_dir = $MYHOME;   # chroot directory or undef, -R

$db_home   = "$MYHOME/db";        # dir for bdb nanny/cache/snmp databases, -D
# $helpers_home = "$MYHOME/var";  # working directory for SpamAssassin, -S
$lock_file = "/var/run/amavisd/amavisd.lock";  # -L
$pid_file  = "/var/run/amavisd/amavisd.pid";   # -P
#NOTE: create directories $MYHOME/tmp, $MYHOME/var, $MYHOME/db manually

$log_level = 0;              # verbosity 0..5, -d
$log_recip_templ = undef;    # disable by-recipient level-0 log entries
$do_syslog = 1;              # log via syslogd (preferred)
$syslog_facility = 'mail';   # Syslog facility as a string
           # e.g.: mail, daemon, user, local0, ... local7

$enable_db = 1;              # enable use of BerkeleyDB/libdb (SNMP and nanny)
# $enable_zmq = 1;           # enable use of ZeroMQ (SNMP and nanny)
$nanny_details_level = 2;    # nanny verbosity: 1: traditional, 2: detailed
$enable_dkim_verification = 1;  # enable DKIM signatures verification
$enable_dkim_signing = 1;    # load DKIM signing code, keys defined by dkim_key

@local_domains_maps = ( [".$mydomain"] );  # list of all local domains

@mynetworks = qw( [::1] [FE80::]/10 [FEC0::]/10

#$unix_socketname = "/var/run/amavisd/amavisd.sock";  # amavisd-release or amavis-milter
               # option(s) -p overrides $inet_socket_port and $unix_socketname

#$inet_socket_port = 10024;   # listen on this local TCP port(s)
# $inet_socket_port = [10024,10026];  # listen on multiple TCP ports

# Auf welchen Sockets sollen die Instanzen auf eingehende Verbindungen
# lauschen?
@listen_sockets = (
    # Quarantine Release
    # Post-Queue, Submission
    # Pre-Queue, MTA zu MTA

$policy_bank{'MYNETS'} = {   # mail originating from @mynetworks
  originating => 1,  # is true in MYNETS by default, but let's make it explicit
  os_fingerprint_method => undef,  # don't query p0f for internal clients

# it is up to MTA to re-route mail from authenticated roaming users or
# from internal hosts to a dedicated TCP port (such as 10026) for filtering
$interface_policy{'10026'} = 'ORIGINATING';

$policy_bank{'ORIGINATING'} = {  # mail supposedly originating from our users
  originating => 1,  # declare that mail was submitted by our smtp client
  allow_disclaimers => 1,  # enables disclaimer insertion if available
  # notify administrator of locally originating malware
  virus_admin_maps => ["virusalert\@$mydomain"],
  spam_admin_maps  => ["virusalert\@$mydomain"],
  warnbadhsender   => 1,
  # forward to a smtpd service providing DKIM signing service
  forward_method => 'smtp:[]:10027',
  # force MTA conversion to 7-bit (e.g. before DKIM signing)
  smtpd_discard_ehlo_keywords => ['8BITMIME'],
  bypass_banned_checks_maps => [1],  # allow sending any file names and types
  terminate_dsn_on_notify_success => 0,  # don't remove NOTIFY=SUCCESS option


# Hier mappen wir eingehende Verbindungen Policy Banks zu. Eine eingehende
# Verbindung können wir anhand verschiedener Eigenschaften erkennen:
# - TCP/UNIX-Socket einer eingehenden Verbindung
# - IP-Adresse/IP-Range einer eingehenden Verbindung
# - DKIM-authentifizierter Sender/Senderdomain

# In welche Policy routen wir die @listen_sockets?
$interface_policy{'SOCK'} = 'AM.PDP-SOCK'; # only applies with $unix_socketname
$interface_policy{'9998'}   = 'AM.PDP-INET';
$interface_policy{'10024'}  = 'SUBMISSION';

# In welche Policy routen wir bestimmte IPs/Netzwerke?
@client_ipaddr_policy = (
    [qw( [::] [::1] )] => 'LOCALHOST',
    [qw( ! )] => 'PRIVATENETS',
    [qw( )] => 'PARTNER',
    \@mynetworks => 'MYNETS'

# In welche Policy routen wir DKIM-verifizierte Sender/Senderdomains?
@author_to_policy_bank_maps = ( {
    '.paypal.de'                => 'WHITELIST',
    'amazon.de'                 => 'WHITELIST',
} );


# Quarantäne Release Policy
$policy_bank{'AM.PDP-INET'} = {
    protocol => 'AM.PDP',
    inet_acl => [qw( )],
    auth_required_release => 0,

# MILTER Policy für MTA zu MTA Traffic
$policy_bank{'AM.PDP-SOCK'} = {
    protocol => 'AM.PDP',
    notify_method => 'smtp:',
    auth_required_release => 0,

# Use with amavis-release over a socket or with Petr Rehor's amavis-milter.c
# (with amavis-milter.c from this package or old amavis.c client use 'AM.CL'):
#$policy_bank{'AM.PDP-SOCK'} = {
#  protocol => 'AM.PDP',
#  auth_required_release => 0,  # do not require secret_id for amavisd-release

$sa_tag_level_deflt  = 2.0;  # add spam info headers if at, or above that level
$sa_tag2_level_deflt = 6.2;  # add 'spam detected' headers at that level
$sa_kill_level_deflt = 6.9;  # triggers spam evasive actions (e.g. blocks mail)
$sa_dsn_cutoff_level = 10;   # spam level beyond which a DSN is not sent
$sa_crediblefrom_dsn_cutoff_level = 18; # likewise, but for a likely valid From
# $sa_quarantine_cutoff_level = 25; # spam level beyond which quarantine is off
$penpals_bonus_score = 8;    # (no effect without a @storage_sql_dsn database)
$penpals_threshold_high = $sa_kill_level_deflt;  # don't waste time on hi spam
$bounce_killer_score = 100;  # spam score points to add for joe-jobbed bounces

$sa_mail_body_size_limit = 400*1024; # don't waste time on SA if mail is larger
$sa_local_tests_only = 0;    # only tests which do not require internet access?

# @lookup_sql_dsn =
#   ( ['DBI:mysql:database=mail;host=;port=3306', 'user1', 'passwd1'],
#     ['DBI:mysql:database=mail;host=host2', 'username2', 'password2'],
#     ["DBI:SQLite:dbname=$MYHOME/sql/mail_prefs.sqlite", '', ''] );
# @storage_sql_dsn = @lookup_sql_dsn;  # none, same, or separate database
# @storage_redis_dsn = ( {server=>'', db_id=>1} );
# $redis_logging_key = 'amavis-log';
# $redis_logging_queue_size_limit = 300000;  # about 250 MB / 100000

# $timestamp_fmt_mysql = 1; # if using MySQL *and* msgs.time_iso is TIMESTAMP;
#   defaults to 0, which is good for non-MySQL or if msgs.time_iso is CHAR(16)

$virus_admin               = undef;                    # notifications recip.

$mailfrom_notify_admin     = undef;                    # notifications sender
$mailfrom_notify_recip     = undef;                    # notifications sender
$mailfrom_notify_spamadmin = undef;                    # notifications sender
$mailfrom_to_quarantine = ''; # null return path; uses original sender if undef

@addr_extension_virus_maps      = ('virus');
@addr_extension_banned_maps     = ('banned');
@addr_extension_spam_maps       = ('spam');
@addr_extension_bad_header_maps = ('badh');
# $recipient_delimiter = '+';  # undef disables address extensions altogether
# when enabling addr extensions do also Postfix/main.cf: recipient_delimiter=+

$path = '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin';
# $dspam = 'dspam';

$MAXFILES = 3000;
$MIN_EXPANSION_QUOTA =      100*1024;  # bytes  (default undef, not enforced)
$MAX_EXPANSION_QUOTA = 500*1024*1024;  # bytes  (default undef, not enforced)

$sa_spam_subject_tag = '***Spam*** ';
$defang_virus  = 1;  # MIME-wrap passed infected mail
$defang_banned = 1;  # MIME-wrap passed mail containing banned name
# for defanging bad headers only turn on certain minor contents categories:
$defang_by_ccat{CC_BADH.",3"} = 1;  # NUL or CR character in header
$defang_by_ccat{CC_BADH.",5"} = 1;  # header line longer than 998 characters
$defang_by_ccat{CC_BADH.",6"} = 1;  # header field syntax error

# OTHER MORE COMMON SETTINGS (defaults may suffice):

# $myhostname = 'host.example.com';  # must be a fully-qualified domain name!

# $notify_method  = 'smtp:[]:10025';
# $forward_method = 'smtp:[]:10025';  # set to undef with milteri!
$forward_method = undef;

$final_virus_destiny      = D_DISCARD;
$final_banned_destiny     = D_BOUNCE;
$final_spam_destiny       = D_DISCARD;  #!!!  D_DISCARD / D_REJECT
$final_bad_header_destiny = D_BOUNCE;
# $bad_header_quarantine_method = undef;

# $os_fingerprint_method = 'p0f:*:2345';  # to query p0f-analyzer.pl

## hierarchy by which a final setting is chosen:
##   policy bank (based on port or IP address) -> *_by_ccat
##   *_by_ccat (based on mail contents) -> *_maps
##   *_maps (based on recipient address) -> final configuration value

# SOME OTHER VARIABLES WORTH CONSIDERING (see amavisd.conf-default for all)

# $warnbadhsender,
# $warnvirusrecip, $warnbannedrecip, $warnbadhrecip, (or @warn*recip_maps)
# @bypass_virus_checks_maps, @bypass_spam_checks_maps,
# @bypass_banned_checks_maps, @bypass_header_checks_maps,
# @virus_lovers_maps, @spam_lovers_maps,
# @banned_files_lovers_maps, @bad_header_lovers_maps,
# @blacklist_sender_maps, @score_sender_maps,
# $clean_quarantine_method, $virus_quarantine_to, $banned_quarantine_to,
# $bad_header_quarantine_to, $spam_quarantine_to,
# $defang_bad_header, $defang_undecipherable, $defang_spam


@keep_decoded_original_maps = (new_RE(
  qr'^MAIL$',                # let virus scanner see full original message
  qr'^MAIL-UNDECIPHERABLE$', # same as ^MAIL$ if mail is undecipherable
  qr'^(ASCII(?! cpio)|text|uuencoded|xxencoded|binhex)'i,
# qr'^Zip archive data',     # don't trust Archive::Zip

$banned_filename_re = new_RE(

# qr'^UNDECIPHERABLE$',  # is or contains any undecipherable components
  qr'^\.(exe-ms|dll)$',                   # banned file(1) types, rudimentary
# qr'^\.(exe|lha|cab|dll)$',              # banned file(1) types

# [ qr'^\.(gz|bz2)$'             => 0 ],  # allow any in gzip or bzip2
  [ qr'^\.(rpm|cpio|tar)$'       => 0 ],  # allow any in Unix-type archives

  qr'.\.(pif|scr)$'i,                     # banned extensions - rudimentary
# qr'^\.zip$',                            # block zip type

# [ qr'^\.(zip|rar|arc|arj|zoo)$'=> 0 ],  # allow any within these archives

  qr'^application/x-msdownload$'i,        # block these MIME types

# qr'^message/partial$'i,         # rfc2046 MIME type
# qr'^message/external-body$'i,   # rfc2046 MIME type

# qr'^(application/x-msmetafile|image/x-wmf)$'i,  # Windows Metafile MIME type
# qr'^\.wmf$',                            # Windows Metafile file(1) type

  # block certain double extensions in filenames

# qr'\{[0-9a-f]{8}(-[0-9a-f]{4}){3}-[0-9a-f]{12}\}?'i, # Class ID CLSID, strict
# qr'\{[0-9a-z]{4,}(-[0-9a-z]{4,}){0,7}\}?'i, # Class ID extension CLSID, loose

  qr'.\.(exe|vbs|pif|scr|cpl)$'i,             # banned extension - basic

  qr'.\.(zip)$'i,                 # aktiviert (25.02.2016 A. Wass)

# qr'.\.(exe|vbs|pif|scr|cpl|bat|cmd|com)$'i, # banned extension - basic+cmd
# qr'.\.(ade|adp|app|bas|bat|chm|cmd|com|cpl|crt|emf|exe|fxp|grp|hlp|hta|
#        inf|ini|ins|isp|js|jse|lib|lnk|mda|mdb|mde|mdt|mdw|mdz|msc|msi|
#        msp|mst|ocx|ops|pcd|pif|prg|reg|scr|sct|shb|shs|sys|vb|vbe|vbs|vxd|
#        wmf|wsc|wsf|wsh)$'ix,                # banned extensions - long
# qr'.\.(asd|asf|asx|url|vcs|wmd|wmz)$'i,     # consider also
# qr'.\.(ani|cur|ico)$'i,                 # banned cursors and icons filename
# qr'^\.ani$',                            # banned animated cursor file(1) type
# qr'.\.(mim|b64|bhx|hqx|xxe|uu|uue)$'i,  # banned extension - WinZip vulnerab.
# See http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q262631
# and http://www.cknow.com/vtutor/vtextensions.htm


@score_sender_maps = ({ # a by-recipient hash lookup table,
                        # results from all matching recipient tables are summed

# ## per-recipient personal tables  (NOTE: positive: black, negative: white)
# 'user1@example.com'  => [{'bla-mobile.press@example.com' => 10.0}],
# 'user3@example.com'  => [{'.ebay.com'                 => -3.0}],
# 'user4@example.com'  => [{'cleargreen@cleargreen.com' => -7.0,
#                           '.cleargreen.com'           => -5.0}],

  ## site-wide opinions about senders (the '.' matches any recipient)
  '.' => [  # the _first_ matching sender determines the score boost

   new_RE(  # regexp-type lookup table, just happens to be all soft-blacklist
    [qr'^(bulkmail|offers|cheapbenefits|earnmoney|foryou)@'i         => 5.0],
    [qr'^(greatcasino|investments|lose_weight_today|market\.alert)@'i=> 5.0],
    [qr'^(money2you|MyGreenCard|new\.tld\.registry|opt-out|opt-in)@'i=> 5.0],
    [qr'^(optin|saveonlsmoking2002k|specialoffer|specialoffers)@'i   => 5.0],
    [qr'^(stockalert|stopsnoring|wantsome|workathome|yesitsfree)@'i  => 5.0],
    [qr'^(your_friend|greatoffers)@'i                                => 5.0],
    [qr'^(inkjetplanet|marketopt|MakeMoney)\d*@'i                    => 5.0],

#  read_hash("/var/amavis/sender_scores_sitewide"),

   { # a hash-type lookup table (associative array)
     'nobody@cert.org'                        => -3.0,
     'cert-advisory@us-cert.gov'              => -3.0,
     'owner-alert@iss.net'                    => -3.0,
     'slashdot@slashdot.org'                  => -3.0,
     'securityfocus.com'                      => -3.0,
     'ntbugtraq@listserv.ntbugtraq.com'       => -3.0,
     'security-alerts@linuxsecurity.com'      => -3.0,
     'mailman-announce-admin@python.org'      => -3.0,
     'amavis-user-admin@lists.sourceforge.net'=> -3.0,
     'amavis-user-bounces@lists.sourceforge.net' => -3.0,
     'spamassassin.apache.org'                => -3.0,
     'notification-return@lists.sophos.com'   => -3.0,
     'owner-postfix-users@postfix.org'        => -3.0,
     'owner-postfix-announce@postfix.org'     => -3.0,
     'owner-sendmail-announce@lists.sendmail.org'   => -3.0,
     'sendmail-announce-request@lists.sendmail.org' => -3.0,
     'donotreply@sendmail.org'                => -3.0,
     'ca+envelope@sendmail.org'               => -3.0,
     'noreply@freshmeat.net'                  => -3.0,
     'owner-technews@postel.acm.org'          => -3.0,
     'ietf-123-owner@loki.ietf.org'           => -3.0,
     'cvs-commits-list-admin@gnome.org'       => -3.0,
     'rt-users-admin@lists.fsck.com'          => -3.0,
     'clp-request@comp.nus.edu.sg'            => -3.0,
     'surveys-errors@lists.nua.ie'            => -3.0,
     'emailnews@genomeweb.com'                => -5.0,
     'yahoo-dev-null@yahoo-inc.com'           => -3.0,
     'returns.groups.yahoo.com'               => -3.0,
     'clusternews@linuxnetworx.com'           => -3.0,
     lc('lvs-users-admin@LinuxVirtualServer.org')    => -3.0,
     lc('owner-textbreakingnews@CNNIMAIL12.CNN.COM') => -5.0,

     # soft-blacklisting (positive score)
     'sender@example.net'                     =>  3.0,
     '.example.net'                           =>  1.0,

  ],  # end of site-wide tables

@decoders = (
  ['mail', \&do_mime_decode],
# [[qw(asc uue hqx ync)], \&do_ascii],  # not safe
  ['F',    \&do_uncompress, ['unfreeze', 'freeze -d', 'melt', 'fcat'] ],
  ['Z',    \&do_uncompress, ['uncompress', 'gzip -d', 'zcat'] ],
  ['gz',   \&do_uncompress, 'gzip -d'],
  ['gz',   \&do_gunzip],
  ['bz2',  \&do_uncompress, 'bzip2 -d'],
  ['xz',   \&do_uncompress,
           ['xzdec', 'xz -dc', 'unxz -c', 'xzcat'] ],
  ['lzma', \&do_uncompress,
           ['lzmadec', 'xz -dc --format=lzma',
            'lzma -dc', 'unlzma -c', 'lzcat', 'lzmadec'] ],
  ['lrz',  \&do_uncompress,
           ['lrzip -q -k -d -o -', 'lrzcat -q -k'] ],
  ['lzo',  \&do_uncompress, 'lzop -d'],
  ['lz4',  \&do_uncompress, ['lz4c -d'] ],
  ['rpm',  \&do_uncompress, ['rpm2cpio.pl', 'rpm2cpio'] ],
  [['cpio','tar'], \&do_pax_cpio, ['pax', 'gcpio', 'cpio'] ],
           # ['/usr/local/heirloom/usr/5bin/pax', 'pax', 'gcpio', 'cpio']
  ['deb',  \&do_ar, 'ar'],
# ['a',    \&do_ar, 'ar'],  # unpacking .a seems an overkill
  ['rar',  \&do_unrar, ['unrar', 'rar'] ],
  ['arj',  \&do_unarj, ['unarj', 'arj'] ],
  ['arc',  \&do_arc,   ['nomarch', 'arc'] ],
  ['zoo',  \&do_zoo,   ['zoo', 'unzoo'] ],
# ['doc',  \&do_ole,   'ripole'],  # no ripole package so far
  ['cab',  \&do_cabextract, 'cabextract'],
# ['tnef', \&do_tnef_ext, 'tnef'],  # use internal do_tnef() instead
  ['tnef', \&do_tnef],
# ['lha',  \&do_lha,   'lha'],  # not safe, use 7z instead
# ['sit',  \&do_unstuff, 'unstuff'],  # not safe
  [['zip','kmz'], \&do_7zip,  ['7za', '7z'] ],
  [['zip','kmz'], \&do_unzip],
  ['7z',   \&do_7zip,  ['7zr', '7za', '7z'] ],
  [[qw(gz bz2 Z tar)],
           \&do_7zip,  ['7za', '7z'] ],
  [[qw(xz lzma jar cpio arj rar swf lha iso cab deb rpm)],
           \&do_7zip,  '7z' ],
  ['exe',  \&do_executable, ['unrar','rar'], 'lha', ['unarj','arj'] ],

@av_scanners = (

# ### http://www.sophos.com/
# ['Sophos-SSSP',  # SAV Dynamic Interface
#   \&ask_daemon, ["{}", 'sssp:/var/run/savdi/sssp.sock'],
#           # or: ["{}", 'sssp:[]:4010'],
#   qr/^DONE OK\b/m, qr/^VIRUS\b/m, qr/^VIRUS\s*(\S*)/m ],

# ### http://www.clanfield.info/sophie/ (http://www.vanja.com/tools/sophie/)
# ['Sophie',
#   \&ask_daemon, ["{}/\n", 'sophie:/var/run/sophie'],
#   qr/(?x)^ 0+ ( : | [\000\r\n]* $)/,  qr/(?x)^ 1 ( : | [\000\r\n]* $)/,
#   qr/(?x)^ [-+]? \d+ : (.*?) [\000\r\n]* $/m ],

# ### http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/www/projects/SAVI-Perl/
# ['Sophos SAVI', \&ask_daemon, ['{}','savi-perl:'] ],

# ['Avira SAVAPI',
#   \&ask_daemon, ["*", 'savapi:/var/tmp/.savapi3', 'product-id'],
#   qr/^(200|210)/m,  qr/^(310|420|319)/m,
#   qr/^(?:310|420)[,\s]*(?:.* <<< )?(.+?)(?: ; |$)/m ],
# settings for the SAVAPI3.conf: ArchiveScan=1, HeurLevel=2, MailboxScan=1

  ### http://www.clamav.net/
    \&ask_daemon, ["CONTSCAN {}\n", "/var/run/clamd.amavisd/clamd.sock"],
    qr/\bOK$/m, qr/\bFOUND$/m,
    qr/^.*?: (?!Infected Archive)(.*) FOUND$/m ],
  # NOTE: run clamd under the same user as amavisd - or run it under its own
  #   uid such as clamav, add user clamav to the amavis group, and then add
  #   AllowSupplementaryGroups to clamd.conf;
  # NOTE: match socket name (LocalSocket) in clamav.conf to the socket name in
  #   this entry; when running chrooted one may prefer a socket under $MYHOME.

# ### http://www.clamav.net/ and CPAN  (memory-hungry! clamd is preferred)
# # note that Mail::ClamAV requires perl to be build with threading!
# ['Mail::ClamAV', \&ask_daemon, ['{}','clamav-perl:'],
#   [0], [1], qr/^INFECTED: (.+)/m],

# ### http://www.openantivirus.org/
# ['OpenAntiVirus ScannerDaemon (OAV)',
#   \&ask_daemon, ["SCAN {}\n", ''],
#   qr/^OK/m, qr/^FOUND: /m, qr/^FOUND: (.+)/m ],

# ### http://www.vanja.com/tools/trophie/
# ['Trophie',
#   \&ask_daemon, ["{}/\n", 'trophie:/var/run/trophie'],
#   qr/(?x)^ 0+ ( : | [\000\r\n]* $)/m,  qr/(?x)^ 1 ( : | [\000\r\n]* $)/m,
#   qr/(?x)^ [-+]? \d+ : (.*?) [\000\r\n]* $/m ],

# ### http://www.grisoft.com/
# ['AVG Anti-Virus',
#   \&ask_daemon, ["SCAN {}\n", ''],
#   qr/^200/m, qr/^403/m, qr/^403[- ].*: ([^\r\n]+)/m ],

# ### http://www.f-prot.com/
# ['F-Prot fpscand',  # F-PROT Antivirus for BSD/Linux/Solaris, version 6
#   \&ask_daemon,
#   ["SCAN FILE {}/*\n", ''],
#   qr/^(0|8|64) /m,
#   qr/^([1235679]|1[01345]) |<[^>:]*(?i)(infected|suspicious|unwanted)/m,
#   qr/(?i)<[^>:]*(?:infected|suspicious|unwanted)[^>:]*: ([^>]*)>/m ],

# ### http://www.f-prot.com/
# ['F-Prot f-protd',  # old version
#   \&ask_daemon,
#   ["GET {}/*?-dumb%20-archive%20-packed HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n",
#     ['', '', '',
#      '', ''] ],
#   qr/(?i)<summary[^>]*>clean<\/summary>/m,
#   qr/(?i)<summary[^>]*>infected<\/summary>/m,
#   qr/(?i)<name>(.+)<\/name>/m ],

# ### http://www.sald.com/, http://www.dials.ru/english/, http://www.drweb.ru/
# ['DrWebD', \&ask_daemon,   # DrWebD 4.31 or later
#   [pack('N',1).  # DRWEBD_SCAN_CMD
#    pack('N',0x00280001).   # DONT_CHANGEMAIL, IS_MAIL, RETURN_VIRUSES
#    pack('N',     # path length
#      length("$TEMPBASE/amavis-yyyymmddTHHMMSS-xxxxx/parts/pxxx")).
#    '{}/*'.       # path
#    pack('N',0).  # content size
#    pack('N',0),
#    '/var/drweb/run/drwebd.sock',
#  # '/var/amavis/var/run/drwebd.sock',   # suitable for chroot
#  # '/usr/local/drweb/run/drwebd.sock',  # FreeBSD drweb ports default
#  # '',                    # or over an inet socket
#   ],
#   qr/\A\x00[\x10\x11][\x00\x10]\x00/sm,        # IS_CLEAN,EVAL_KEY; SKIPPED
#   qr/\A\x00[\x00\x01][\x00\x10][\x20\x40\x80]/sm,# KNOWN_V,UNKNOWN_V,V._MODIF
#   qr/\A.{12}(?:infected with )?([^\x00]+)\x00/sm,
# ],
# # NOTE: If using amavis-milter, change length to:
# # length("$TEMPBASE/amavis-milter-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/parts/pxxx").

  ### http://www.kaspersky.com/  (kav4mailservers)
  ['KasperskyLab AVP - aveclient',
    '-p /var/run/aveserver -s {}/*',
    [0,3,6,8], qr/\b(INFECTED|SUSPICION|SUSPICIOUS)\b/m,
  # NOTE: one may prefer [0],[2,3,4,5], depending on how suspicious,
  # currupted or protected archives are to be handled

  ### http://www.kaspersky.com/
  ['KasperskyLab AntiViral Toolkit Pro (AVP)', ['avp'],
    '-* -P -B -Y -O- {}', [0,3,6,8], [2,4],    # any use for -A -K   ?
    qr/infected: (.+)/m,
    sub {chdir('/opt/AVP') or die "Can't chdir to AVP: $!"},
    sub {chdir($TEMPBASE) or die "Can't chdir back to $TEMPBASE $!"},

  ### The kavdaemon and AVPDaemonClient have been removed from Kasperky
  ### products and replaced by aveserver and aveclient
  ['KasperskyLab AVPDaemonClient',
    [ '/opt/AVP/kavdaemon',       'kavdaemon',
      '/opt/AVP/AvpDaemonClient', 'AvpDaemonClient',
      '/opt/AVP/AvpTeamDream',    'AvpTeamDream',
      '/opt/AVP/avpdc', 'avpdc' ],
    "-f=$TEMPBASE {}", [0,8], [3,4,5,6], qr/infected: ([^\r\n]+)/m ],
    # change the startup-script in /etc/init.d/kavd to:
    #   DPARMS="-* -Y -dl -f=/var/amavis /var/amavis"
    #   (or perhaps:   DPARMS="-I0 -Y -* /var/amavis" )
    # adjusting /var/amavis above to match your $TEMPBASE.
    # The '-f=/var/amavis' is needed if not running it as root, so it
    # can find, read, and write its pid file, etc., see 'man kavdaemon'.
    # defUnix.prf: there must be an entry "*/var/amavis" (or whatever
    #   directory $TEMPBASE specifies) in the 'Names=' section.
    # cd /opt/AVP/DaemonClients; configure; cd Sample; make
    # cp AvpDaemonClient /opt/AVP/
    # su - vscan -c "${PREFIX}/kavdaemon ${DPARMS}"

  ### http://www.centralcommand.com/
  ['CentralCommand Vexira (new) vascan',
    "-a s --timeout=60 --temp=$TEMPBASE -y $QUARANTINEDIR ".
    "--log=/var/log/vascan.log {}",
    [0,3], [1,2,5],
    qr/(?x)^\s* (?:virus|iworm|macro|mutant|sequence|trojan)\ found:\ ( [^\]\s']+ )\ \.\.\.\ /m ],
    # Adjust the path of the binary and the virus database as needed.
    # 'vascan' does not allow to have the temp directory to be the same as
    # the quarantine directory, and the quarantine option can not be disabled.
    # If $QUARANTINEDIR is not used, then another directory must be specified
    # to appease 'vascan'. Move status 3 to the second list if password
    # protected files are to be considered infected.

  ### http://www.avira.com/
  ### old Avira AntiVir 2.x (ex H+BEDV) or old CentralCommand Vexira Antivirus
  ['Avira AntiVir', ['antivir','vexira'],
    '--allfiles -noboot -nombr -rs -s -z {}', [0], qr/ALERT:|VIRUS:/m,
    qr/(?x)^\s* (?: ALERT: \s* (?: \[ | [^']* ' ) |
         (?i) VIRUS:\ .*?\ virus\ '?) ( [^\]\s']+ )/m ],
    # NOTE: if you only have a demo version, remove -z and add 214, as in:
    #  '--allfiles -noboot -nombr -rs -s {}', [0,214], qr/ALERT:|VIRUS:/,

  ### http://www.avira.com/
  ### Avira for UNIX 3.x
  ['Avira AntiVir', ['avscan'],
   '-s --batch --alert-action=none {}', [0,4], qr/(?:ALERT|FUND):/m,
   qr/(?:ALERT|FUND): (?:.* <<< )?(.+?)(?: ; |$)/m ],

  ### http://www.commandsoftware.com/
  ['Command AntiVirus for Linux', 'csav',
    '-all -archive -packed {}', [50], [51,52,53],
    qr/Infection: (.+)/m ],

  ### http://www.symantec.com/
  ['Symantec CarrierScan via Symantec CommandLineScanner',
    'cscmdline', '-a scan -i 1 -v -s {}',
    qr/^Files Infected:\s+0$/m, qr/^Infected\b/m,
    qr/^(?:Info|Virus Name):\s+(.+)/m ],

  ### http://www.symantec.com/
  ['Symantec AntiVirus Scan Engine',
    'savsecls', '-server -mode scanrepair -details -verbose {}',
    [0], qr/^Infected\b/m,
    qr/^(?:Info|Virus Name):\s+(.+)/m ],
    # NOTE: check options and patterns to see which entry better applies

# ### http://www.f-secure.com/products/anti-virus/  version 5.52
#  ['F-Secure Antivirus for Linux servers',
#   ['/opt/f-secure/fsav/bin/fsav', 'fsav'],
#   '--virus-action1=report --archive=yes --auto=yes '.
#   '--dumb=yes --list=no --mime=yes {}', [0], [3,4,6,8],
#   qr/(?:infection|Infected|Suspected|Riskware): (.+)/m ],
#   # NOTE: internal archive handling may be switched off by '--archive=no'
#   #   to prevent fsav from exiting with status 9 on broken archives

  ### http://www.f-secure.com/ version 9.14
   ['F-Secure Linux Security',
    ['/opt/f-secure/fsav/bin/fsav', 'fsav'],
    '--virus-action1=report --archive=yes --auto=yes '.
    '--list=no --nomimeerr {}', [0], [3,4,6,8],
    qr/(?:infection|Infected|Suspected|Riskware): (.+)/m ],
    # NOTE: internal archive handling may be switched off by '--archive=no'
    #   to prevent fsav from exiting with status 9 on broken archives

# ### http://www.avast.com/
# ['avast! Antivirus daemon',
#   \&ask_daemon,  # greets with 220, terminate with QUIT
#   ["SCAN {}\015\012QUIT\015\012", '/var/run/avast4/mailscanner.sock'],
#   qr/\t\[\+\]/m, qr/\t\[L\]\t/m, qr/\t\[L\]\t[0-9]+\s+([^[ \t\015\012]+)/m ],

# ### http://www.avast.com/
# ['avast! Antivirus - Client/Server Version', 'avastlite',
#   '-a /var/run/avast4/mailscanner.sock -n {}', [0], [1],
#   qr/\t\[L\]\t([^[ \t\015\012]+)/m ],

  ['CAI InoculateIT', 'inocucmd',  # retired product
    '-sec -nex {}', [0], [100],
    qr/was infected by virus (.+)/m ],
  # see: http://www.flatmtn.com/computer/Linux-Antivirus_CAI.html

  ### http://www3.ca.com/Solutions/Product.asp?ID=156  (ex InoculateIT)
  ['CAI eTrust Antivirus', 'etrust-wrapper',
    '-arc -nex -spm h {}', [0], [101],
    qr/is infected by virus: (.+)/m ],
    # NOTE: requires suid wrapper around inocmd32; consider flag: -mod reviewer
    # see http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=amavis-user&m=109229779912783

  ### http://mks.com.pl/english.html
  ['MkS_Vir for Linux (beta)', ['mks32','mks'],
    '-s {}/*', [0], [1,2],
    qr/--[ \t]*(.+)/m ],

  ### http://mks.com.pl/english.html
  ['MkS_Vir daemon', 'mksscan',
    '-s -q {}', [0], [1..7],
    qr/^... (\S+)/m ],

# ### http://www.nod32.com/,  version v2.52 (old)
# ['ESET NOD32 for Linux Mail servers',
#   ['/opt/eset/nod32/bin/nod32cli', 'nod32cli'],
#    '--subdir --files -z --sfx --rtp --adware --unsafe --pattern --heur '.
#    '-w -a --action-on-infected=accept --action-on-uncleanable=accept '.
#    '--action-on-notscanned=accept {}',
#   [0,3], [1,2], qr/virus="([^"]+)"/m ],

# ### http://www.eset.com/, version v2.7 (old)
# ['ESET NOD32 Linux Mail Server - command line interface',
#   ['/usr/bin/nod32cli', '/opt/eset/nod32/bin/nod32cli', 'nod32cli'],
#   '--subdir {}', [0,3], [1,2], qr/virus="([^"]+)"/m ],

# ### http://www.eset.com/, version 2.71.12
# ['ESET Software ESETS Command Line Interface',
#   ['/usr/bin/esets_cli', 'esets_cli'],
#   '--subdir {}', [0], [1,2,3], qr/virus="([^"]+)"/m ],

  ### http://www.eset.com/, version 3.0
  ['ESET Software ESETS Command Line Interface',
    ['/usr/bin/esets_cli', 'esets_cli'],
    '--subdir {}', [0], [1,2,3],
    qr/:\s*action="(?!accepted)[^"]*"\n.*:\s*virus="([^"]*)"/m ],

  ## http://www.nod32.com/,  NOD32LFS version 2.5 and above
  ['ESET NOD32 for Linux File servers',
    '--files -z --mail --sfx --rtp --adware --unsafe --pattern --heur '.
    '-w -a --action=1 -b {}',
    [0], [1,10], qr/^object=.*, virus="(.*?)",/m ],

# Experimental, based on posting from Rado Dibarbora (Dibo) on 2002-05-31
# ['ESET Software NOD32 Client/Server (NOD32SS)',
#   \&ask_daemon2,    # greets with 200, persistent, terminate with QUIT
#   ["SCAN {}/*\r\n", '' ],
#   qr/^200 File OK/m, qr/^201 /m, qr/^201 (.+)/m ],

  ### http://www.norman.com/products_nvc.shtml
  ['Norman Virus Control v5 / Linux', 'nvcc',
    '-c -l:0 -s -u -temp:$TEMPBASE {}', [0,10,11], [1,2,14],
    qr/(?i).* virus in .* -> \'(.+)\'/m ],

  ### http://www.pandasoftware.com/
  ['Panda CommandLineSecure 9 for Linux',
    '-auto -aex -heu -cmp -nbr -nor -nos -eng -nob {}',
    qr/Number of files infected[ .]*: 0+(?!\d)/m,
    qr/Number of files infected[ .]*: 0*[1-9]/m,
    qr/Found virus :\s*(\S+)/m ],
  # NOTE: for efficiency, start the Panda in resident mode with 'pavcl -tsr'
  # before starting amavisd - the bases are then loaded only once at startup.
  # To reload bases in a signature update script:
  #   /opt/pavcl/usr/bin/pavcl -tsr -ulr; /opt/pavcl/usr/bin/pavcl -tsr
  # Please review other options of pavcl, for example:
  #  -nomalw, -nojoke, -nodial, -nohackt, -nospyw, -nocookies

# ### http://www.pandasoftware.com/
# ['Panda Antivirus for Linux', ['pavcl'],
#   '-TSR -aut -aex -heu -cmp -nbr -nor -nso -eng {}',
#   [0], [0x10, 0x30, 0x50, 0x70, 0x90, 0xB0, 0xD0, 0xF0],
#   qr/Found virus :\s*(\S+)/m ],

# GeCAD AV technology is acquired by Microsoft; RAV has been discontinued.
# Check your RAV license terms before fiddling with the following two lines!
# ['GeCAD RAV AntiVirus 8', 'ravav',
#   '--all --archive --mail {}', [1], [2,3,4,5], qr/Infected: (.+)/m ],
# # NOTE: the command line switches changed with scan engine 8.5 !
# # (btw, assigning stdin to /dev/null causes RAV to fail)

  ### http://www.nai.com/
  ['NAI McAfee AntiVirus (uvscan)', 'uvscan',
    '--secure -rv --mime --summary --noboot - {}', [0], [13],
    qr/(?x) Found (?:
        \ the\ (.+)\ (?:virus|trojan)  |
        \ (?:virus|trojan)\ or\ variant\ ([^ ]+)  |
        :\ (.+)\ NOT\ a\ virus)/m,
  # sub {$ENV{LD_PRELOAD}='/lib/libc.so.6'},
  # sub {delete $ENV{LD_PRELOAD}},
  # NOTE1: with RH9: force the dynamic linker to look at /lib/libc.so.6 before
  # anything else by setting environment variable LD_PRELOAD=/lib/libc.so.6
  # and then clear it when finished to avoid confusing anything else.
  # NOTE2: to treat encrypted files as viruses replace the [13] with:
  #  qr/^\s{5,}(Found|is password-protected|.*(virus|trojan))/

  ### http://www.virusbuster.hu/en/
  ['VirusBuster', ['vbuster', 'vbengcl'],
    "{} -ss -i '*' -log=$MYHOME/vbuster.log", [0], [1],
    qr/: '(.*)' - Virus/m ],
  # VirusBuster Ltd. does not support the daemon version for the workstation
  # engine (vbuster-eng-1.12-linux-i386-libc6.tgz) any longer. The names of
  # binaries, some parameters AND return codes have changed (from 3 to 1).
  # See also the new Vexira entry 'vascan' which is possibly related.

# ### http://www.virusbuster.hu/en/
# ['VirusBuster (Client + Daemon)', 'vbengd',
#   '-f -log scandir {}', [0], [3],
#   qr/Virus found = (.*);/m ],
# # HINT: for an infected file it always returns 3,
# # although the man-page tells a different story

  ### http://www.cyber.com/
  ['CyberSoft VFind', 'vfind',
    '--vexit {}/*', [0], [23], qr/##==>>>> VIRUS ID: CVDL (.+)/m,
  # sub {$ENV{VSTK_HOME}='/usr/lib/vstk'},

  ### http://www.avast.com/
  ['avast! Antivirus', ['/usr/bin/avastcmd','avastcmd'],
    '-a -i -n -t=A {}', [0], [1], qr/\binfected by:\s+([^ \t\n\[\]]+)/m ],

  ### http://www.ikarus-software.com/
  ['Ikarus AntiVirus for Linux', 'ikarus',
    '{}', [0], [40], qr/Signature (.+) found/m ],

  ### http://www.bitdefender.com/
  ['BitDefender', 'bdscan',  # new version
    '--action=ignore --no-list {}', qr/^Infected files\s*:\s*0+(?!\d)/m,
    qr/^(?:Infected files|Identified viruses|Suspect files)\s*:\s*0*[1-9]/m,
    qr/(?:suspected|infected)\s*:\s*(.*)(?:\033|$)/m ],

  ### http://www.bitdefender.com/
  ['BitDefender', 'bdc',  # old version
    '--arc --mail {}', qr/^Infected files *:0+(?!\d)/m,
    qr/^(?:Infected files|Identified viruses|Suspect files) *:0*[1-9]/m,
    qr/(?:suspected|infected): (.*)(?:\033|$)/m ],
  # consider also: --all --nowarn --alev=15 --flev=15.  The --all argument may
  # not apply to your version of bdc, check documentation and see 'bdc --help'

  ### ArcaVir for Linux and Unix http://www.arcabit.pl/
  ['ArcaVir for Linux', ['arcacmd','arcacmd.static'],
    '-v 1 -summary 0 -s {}', [0], [1,2],
    qr/(?:VIR|WIR):[ \t]*(.+)/m ],

# ### a generic SMTP-client interface to a SMTP-based virus scanner
# ['av_smtp', \&ask_av_smtp,
#   ['{}', 'smtp:[]:5525', 'dummy@localhost'],
#   qr/^2/, qr/^5/, qr/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/m ],

# ['File::Scan', sub {Amavis::AV::ask_av(sub{
#   use File::Scan; my($fn)=@_;
#   my($f)=File::Scan->new(max_txt_size=>0, max_bin_size=>0);
#   my($vname) = $f->scan($fn);
#   $f->error ? (2,"Error: ".$f->error)
#   : ($vname ne '') ? (1,"$vname FOUND") : (0,"Clean")}, @_) },
#   ["{}/*"], [0], [1], qr/^(.*) FOUND$/m ],

# ### fully-fledged checker for JPEG marker segments of invalid length
# ['check-jpeg',
#   sub { use JpegTester (); Amavis::AV::ask_av(\&JpegTester::test_jpeg, @_) },
#   ["{}/*"], undef, [1], qr/^(bad jpeg: .*)$/m ],
# # NOTE: place file JpegTester.pm somewhere where Perl can find it,
# #       for example in /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl


@av_scanners_backup = (

  ### http://www.clamav.net/   - backs up clamd or Mail::ClamAV
  ['ClamAV-clamscan', 'clamscan',
    "--stdout --no-summary -r --tempdir=$TEMPBASE {}",
    [0], qr/:.*\sFOUND$/m, qr/^.*?: (?!Infected Archive)(.*) FOUND$/m ],

# ### http://www.clamav.net/ - using remote clamd scanner as a backup
# ['ClamAV-clamdscan', 'clamdscan',
#   "--stdout --no-summary --config-file=/etc/clamd-client.conf {}",
#   [0], qr/:.*\sFOUND$/m, qr/^.*?: (?!Infected Archive)(.*) FOUND$/m ],

# ['ClamAV-clamd-stream',
#   \&ask_daemon, ["*", 'clamd:/var/run/clamav/clamd.sock'],
#   qr/\bOK$/m, qr/\bFOUND$/m,
#   qr/^.*?: (?!Infected Archive)(.*) FOUND$/m ],

  ### http://www.f-prot.com/   - backs up F-Prot Daemon, V6
  ['F-PROT Antivirus for UNIX', ['fpscan'],
    '--report --mount --adware {}',  # consider: --applications -s 4 -u 3 -z 10
    [0,8,64],  [1,2,3, 4+1,4+2,4+3, 8+1,8+2,8+3, 12+1,12+2,12+3],
    qr/^\[Found\s+[^\]]*\]\s+<([^ \t(>]*)/m ],

  ### http://www.f-prot.com/   - backs up F-Prot Daemon (old)
  ['FRISK F-Prot Antivirus', ['f-prot','f-prot.sh'],
    '-dumb -archive -packed {}', [0,8], [3,6],   # or: [0], [3,6,8],
    qr/(?:Infection:|security risk named) (.+)|\s+contains\s+(.+)$/m ],

  ### http://www.trendmicro.com/   - backs up Trophie
  ['Trend Micro FileScanner', ['/etc/iscan/vscan','vscan'],
    '-za -a {}', [0], qr/Found virus/m, qr/Found virus (.+) in/m ],

  ### http://www.sald.com/, http://drweb.imshop.de/   - backs up DrWebD
  ['drweb - DrWeb Antivirus',  # security LHA hole in Dr.Web 4.33 and earlier
    ['/usr/local/drweb/drweb', '/opt/drweb/drweb', 'drweb'],
    '-path={} -al -go -ot -cn -upn -ok-',
    [0,32], [1,9,33], qr' infected (?:with|by)(?: virus)? (.*)$'m ],

   ### http://www.kaspersky.com/
   ['Kaspersky Antivirus v5.5',
      '/opt/kav/5.5/kav4mailservers/bin/kavscanner', 'kavscanner'],
     '-i0 -xn -xp -mn -R -ePASBME {}/*', [0,10,15], [5,20,21,25],
#    sub {chdir('/opt/kav/bin') or die "Can't chdir to kav: $!"},
#    sub {chdir($TEMPBASE) or die "Can't chdir back to $TEMPBASE $!"},

  ### http://www.sophos.com/
  ['Sophos Anti Virus (savscan)',   # formerly known as 'sweep'
    ['/opt/sophos-av/bin/savscan', 'savscan'],  # 'sweep'
    '-nb -f -all -rec -ss -sc -archive -cab -mime -oe -tnef '.
    '--no-reset-atime {}',
    [0,2], qr/Virus .*? found/m,
    qr/^>>> Virus(?: fragment)? '?(.*?)'? found/m,
  # other options to consider: -idedir=/usr/local/sav
  # A name 'sweep' clashes with a name of an audio editor (Debian and FreeBSD).
  # Make sure the correct 'sweep' is found in the path if using the old name.

# Always succeeds and considers mail clean.
# Potentially useful when all other scanners fail and it is desirable
# to let mail continue to flow with no virus checking (when uncommented).
# ['always-clean', sub {0}],


1;  # insure a defined return value

Am 08.11.2016 um 11:59 schrieb Andreas Wass - Glas Gasperlmair:
Hallo Postfix-Profis!
Ich brauch wieder mal eure Hilfe bei amavisd per amavisd-milter.

...... usw