* Dennis Guhl lists@dguhl.org:
Feb 20 14:38:24 smtp2 postfix/smtpd[14680]: improper command pipelining after QUIT from mail.bfn.de[]
Was hier genau passiert wird Dir vermutlich nur ein 'debug_peer_list =' in der main.cf verraten. Ich tippe aber darauf, dass dieser Proxy von denen auch den ausgehenden Mailverkehr abwickelt und der nicht mit dem zwischengeschalteten Postscreen fertig wird.
http://www.mail-archive.com/postfix-users@postfix.org/msg15133.html sagt:
This means that the client sent "QUIT<CR><LF>" followed by something else; a sign of poor software at work.
Perhaps Postfix should log pipelining violations with a fragment of the bits that were sent in error.
I see, so that additional text was received before the "QUIT" statement was actually evaluated and acted upon. Thank you.
Correct. Before executing the next command, Postfix reads it from the input stream, and then it also checks if there was more input. Depending on the command, 'more input' is or is not allowed. For example, it is not allowed with DATA and QUIT.