according to the book of Postfix and from my understanding the purpose of virtual_alias_domains is exactly the same like mydestination which is to be the final destination for the domain names specified.
Domains in mydestination get delivered by "local".
The difference is that virtual_alias_domains doesn`t need to have a correlation to the host machine, right?
But what does that mean in practice? Wouldn`t it be the same if i decide to set all domain names postifx is the final destination for, in mydestination instead of virtual_alias_domains?
Domains listed in virtual_alias_domains usually use virtual_alias_maps to map the address to ANOTHER address, which is then delivered someplace else (maybe using "local", maybe it goes to yet another machine)
I dont exactly understand the difference and whats even more confusing for me is the difference between virtual_alias_domains & virtual_mailbox_domains.
virtual_alias_domains: just rewrite the recipient address virtual_mailbox_domains: deliver the mails using "virtual"