Dear all,
I will arrive on May 30 in the evening and will leave on June 5.
Best, Renate
Von: committee committee-bounces@list.american-indian-workshop.org Im Auftrag von Renate Bartl Gesendet: Donnerstag, 24. März 2022 18:27 An: committee@list.american-indian-workshop.org Betreff: [Committee] AIW Committee Meeting & Business Meeting
Dear all,
for planning the Committee Meeting & Business Meeting during the AIW in Luxembourg, the organizers and I need to know, whether you come, when you plan to arrive, and when you will depart.
Please respond to this email and let us know asap. Thank you!
Dr. phil. Renate Bartl
Schopenhauerstr. 83
80807 Munich/Germany
Fon ++49-89-35 99 531
Fax ++49-89-35 65 32 77
Cell ++49-151 4128 2632
Email: mailto:renate.bartl@t-online.de renate.bartl@t-online.de