Dear all,
could you be so kind and give me more days to specify? We have been totally engaged here by the Ukrainian crisis. As the department of social and cultural anthropology and as individuals we have been volunteering with the Ukrainian refugees. I have to talk to my chair the next week if the department supports my travel. We don´t know the budget of the department yet for this year and everything is changing now. The chair went with a humanitarian train to Ukraine the last week, the same as the treasurer of the department. I really would like to come in person to this AIW. If the situation does not allow it, I will be able to join online. At this moment I hope to come.
I will let you know soon. Thank you very much for understanding.
Best regards, Livia ________________________________ Od: committee committee-bounces@list.american-indian-workshop.org za uživatele AIW - Bartl bartl@american-indian-workshop.org Odesláno: pátek 25. března 2022 11:40 Komu: committee@list.american-indian-workshop.org committee@list.american-indian-workshop.org Předmět: Re: [Committee] AIW Committee Meeting & Business Meeting
Dear all,
I will arrive on May 30 in the evening and will leave on June 5.
Best, Renate
Von: committee committee-bounces@list.american-indian-workshop.org Im Auftrag von Renate Bartl Gesendet: Donnerstag, 24. März 2022 18:27 An: committee@list.american-indian-workshop.org Betreff: [Committee] AIW Committee Meeting & Business Meeting
Dear all,
for planning the Committee Meeting & Business Meeting during the AIW in Luxembourg, the organizers and I need to know, whether you come, when you plan to arrive, and when you will depart.
Please respond to this email and let us know asap. Thank you!
Dr. phil. Renate Bartl
Schopenhauerstr. 83
80807 Munich/Germany
Fon ++49-89-35 99 531
Fax ++49-89-35 65 32 77
Cell ++49-151 4128 2632
Email: renate.bartl@t-online.demailto:renate.bartl@t-online.de