Dear all,
the AIW server is constantly under heavy attacks by hackers. We have the highest standard of anti-hacking and spam protection software installed on our server. Patrick, our IT Manager, is responsible for the internet security of the Deutsche Bundestag and the EU Parliament. Therefore, it is rather impossible that our server gets hacked.
If you get spam emails, telling you that your mailbox is full, or that there are problems with the webpage www.american-indian-workshop.org http://www.american-indian-workshop.org , these are spam mails.
For all those who have an american-indian-workshop.org (museum@...; journal@...) email address, I can send the spamming email addresses to Patrick and he will block them on the mail server. Current addresses I have sent to him for blocking are:
debre@engin-inc.com mailto:debre@engin-inc.com
noreplay@cpanel.net mailto:noreplay@cpanel.net
noreply@serverhost.com mailto:noreply@serverhost.com
You can send me further addresses of spammers for being blocked on the mail server.
If the spam mails are sent to your private address, block the sender's address as spam mail.
I assume the spammers draw the email addresses from our AIW webpage, so if you want your email address or the direct email link be removed from the webpage or written with an [at] instead of @, I can do that. Although this is not suggestable for official AIW email addresses.