Thus far, everyone except Judit can make the 17th - no other time is convenient.
Shall I go ahead and create a Zoom meeting for Sept 17th at 14:00 CEST?
Dr James Mackay (he/him) Assistant Professor of British and American Literatures European University Cyprus [t] +357 22713257 [e] J.Mackay@euc.ac.cymailto:J.Mackay@euc.ac.cy [w] www.euc.ac.cyhttp://www.euc.ac.cy/
ORCID: 0000-0002-7143-846Xhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-7143-846X
Editor Transmotionhttps://journals.kent.ac.uk/index.php/transmotion/issue/view/43
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From: committee committee-bounces@list.american-indian-workshop.org On Behalf Of Markus Lindner (AIW) Sent: 13 September 2021 11:49 AM To: committee@list.american-indian-workshop.org Subject: Re: [Committee] Meeting times
Dear all,
thank for the great idea. Unfortunately, I was not able to respond earlier since I was on vacation. I added my possibles dates to the doodle.
Markus Am 06.09.2021 um 11:22 schrieb James Mackay: Dear colleagues
I have created a Doodle to determine the best time for a committee meeting. Please visit the link below to vote.
Best James
Dr James Mackay Assistant Professor of British and American Literatures European University Cyprus [t] +357 22713257 [e] J.Mackay@euc.ac.cymailto:J.Mackay@euc.ac.cy [w] www.euc.ac.cyhttp://www.euc.ac.cy/
Organiser "Sovereign Erotic"- 42nd American Indian Workshop 2021https://journals.kent.ac.uk/index.php/transmotion/conf
Editor Transmotionhttps://journals.kent.ac.uk/index.php/transmotion/issue/view/43
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